any rate, I returned to Japan having enjoyed to the full life's harshness,
toughness, obstinacy and joy. I had experienced an amazing vitality ?
the vitality of a world that glows with unaffected life, of a world without
color. As this vitality also relates to bamboo, I learned a lot on the
In order to have a long career as possible as a painter, I want to be
as active as possible while I am young ? to not only think of ideas,
but to actually put them into practice.
Many people disapproved of my trip to Greenland, but I have an intense
personality, and believe that "if I think I can do something, I can do
With the passing years my mind has become that of an adult, but I want
my spirit to remain as curious as that of a child. This time I experienced
Greenland in summer, so next time I'd like to go in winter. I'm already
excited about discovering what life is like there during the three dark
midwinter months when the sun doesn't come out all day, and the temperature
drops to 30 to 40 degrees below zero.
Next time I want to bring vegetable seeds. In Greenland vegetables are
all imported because there is a preconceived idea that it is not possible
to grow them. However, alpine plants bloom in seasons during which the
sun comes out, so I think it must be possible to grow vegetables. I will
be very happy if I can supplement, however little, the vegetables of
the Inuit.
"The bamboo of Kyoto" and "the Inuit of Greenland".
Both of these have a tough, unyielding vitality. I really feel that I
have discovered a deep connection with their splendid lives.