*Click the picture for a magnified image and comment.

Time Goes By, 1993

Bamboo Grass Growing Quietly
130.0×50.0 Private collection

Clear Stream
- Clear Sound of Wind, 1994
162.1×130.3 F100

Family Connection, 1993
200.0×100.0 Private collection


Camellias in Bamboo Forest, 1987
145.5×112.1 F810
Awarded Prize of Excellence at the Chunichi Women’s Art Exhibition (1987)

Accomplishment, 1993
145.5×112.1 F80 Private collection

Bamboo Shoot Forest, 1990
145.5×112.1 F80

Bamboo Shoots after Rain
145.5×112.1 F80


Heaven and Earth, Hope for Life
150×500 Irregular size
Lyric Poetess, 1997
116.7×90.9 F50
The Tale of the Shining Princess, 1994
90.9×72.7 F30
Speaking, 1993
145×112.1 F80

The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter
130.0×50.0 Irregular size
Thirty Minutes before Miyako Dance
145.5×112.1 F80
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